Class of 2013 ultimate frisbee players |
An event that I planned, attended, and photographed this past weekend has breathed new life into both me and this blog! Funnily enough, it's the same event as the one I posted about last year at this time--the fourth annual Brown University Frisbee Gala.
But first some news: I recently got asked (as a response to my
Craigslist ad) to photograph a wedding! I've never officially photographed an event before, let alone a wedding, but I'm extremely excited and I can't wait. I posted the ad to give myself more opportunities over the summer to use my camera and I'm glad it has been panning out!
With the help and support of my friend and captain Johanna, I planned Frala this year! It was interesting to think back on my wide-eyed freshman year experience of Frala and compare it to this year's experience. Although it was frustrating at times to have to coordinate between so many people with so many conflicting interests, it was ultimately a rewarding experience and everyone had a great time. We were able to raise over $300 from donations at the party for the Paige Fund, which was created in memory of Paige Hicks and whose end goal is to provide free ultimate frisbee to all Brown University players. It's a great cause with an inspiring beginning, and I definitely encourage everyone to check out the fund's website here:
This year we decided to have an outdoor grill and potluck before bringing everyone inside to party. There were meat and veggie burgers aplenty, a lot of people wearing lovely clothing, and many games of Cornhole and Applefork! It was a very pleasant experience and I took photos almost the entire time, often balancing my camera in one hand, a burger in the other hand, and my phone in the crook of my arm.
Me, Sarah, and Johanna |
Applefork! |
Some of the senior class men |
Most of the new women's players |
Cornhole |
There were so many couples to take photos of--perfect practice for a wedding?
The lighting was not very cooperative, but it felt good to bust out my camera for the first time since my January trip to New Zealand. I had almost forgotten how much I love taking pictures.